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扁山旅遊網 > 福建爬高山 福建釣魚場 吃閩西特產景點 > 龍岩特產批發(fā) 龍岩爬高山 龍岩釣(diào)魚(yú)場景點 > 毛澤東(dōng)才溪鄉調查溪(xī)紀念(niàn)館景點(diǎn)

才溪毛澤東(dōng)紀(jì)念館大(dà)廳的浮雕(diāo) 位於福建省上杭(háng)縣(xiàn)-扁山旅(lǚ)遊



才溪毛澤(zé)東紀念館大廳(tīng)的浮雕、位於福建省、龍岩市、上杭縣、才溪鎮、土地(dì)革命戰爭時(shí)期,才溪(xī)人民在中國共產黨的正確領導下在政權建設(shè)、擴紅(hóng)支前、武裝鬥爭、經濟建設、文化教育等方麵取(qǔ)得顯著(zhe)成績,成為中央蘇(sū)區為先(xiān)模範區、模範鄉。1933年11月,在蘇區軍民奮起反(fǎn)擊國民黨軍隊第五次“圍剿”、黨(dǎng)內“左”傾(qīng)錯誤在中央蘇區進一步蔓延(yán)之際,毛澤東帶著對中國革命的思考(kǎo),跋山涉(shè)水第三次來到才溪。進行了係統周密的調查(chá)和全麵科(kē)學的總結。寫下了彪炳史冊的《才溪鄉調查》,回答了在國內(nèi)革命戰爭時期,根據(jù)地建設不僅是必要的而且是可能的這一重要問題,進一步闡明了“中(zhōng)國革命必須走農村(cūn)包圍城市道路”的偉大真理,同(tóng)時以才溪蘇區政權建設的實踐,為我黨早期在局部執政條(tiáo)件下治國安民、民主建政樹立了光輝典範。才溪鄉調查,是毛澤(zé)東在土地革(gé)命戰爭時(shí)期的一(yī)次(cì)著名的農村調查,是中國共產黨人走(zǒu)群眾路線、深入實際調查研究、實事求(qiú)是的光輝典範。九軍十八師 盛名的將軍(jun1)之鄉。毛澤東才溪鄉調查(chá)所體現的思想和作風,是我們黨的寶貴精(jīng)神財富,對新(xīn)時期加(jiā)強黨的作風建設,踐行以“為民務實清廉”為主要內容的黨的群眾路線,永遠保持黨的先進性和純(chún)潔(jié)性,具有重(chóng)要的現實指導意(yì)義。

purno the Acraran Revoiutorar/War, under the orect eadership ofthe hrese oimunst aty Ca pedle "stve to be r the forefrortofboth eroluton and oraducton- had made oreat achievemerts n regmre bulding, red amy eparsor, ont suporting,amed stugge ecoromic deve opment an culture ard educaton cere opmnet-ax became a role mode township acrosthe Sovierarea

In ovember 1g3,at the cntcal uncture whe the army and people n the Sovet are foucht back the kuomintar amys fifth"enairdementand suppresion’the party"eftist" mistakes soread fur

ifrer n the Sowet area Whie thnkn about the hnese revowtic,Mao Zeong cameto axi fortre third tme conducting a systematcand thorougn investiaton thatied to a comprenensve scentfiwumay He wore the"ax Towrsho mvestaton" that wl bnd to be emembred y history, h ths pece he aroued tor the ecesity ard ossiblty ofestabishine revolutionary bases durmo ceyoltonary war Hefurthe canfed the great truth tha "hinese reypluton must take the road oftherura encrcin he urba"Based on the practice ofthe Sovetreme bulding at Cax townshiphe)asically solved the important issue of developing democratic regime in the early historv of the partyCaix tomshio nwestidaton was famous rura survey done y Mao Zecong dur the Agraran Revolotonary wWar,lt was a shinin example of the Chinese Communists folowina the massline.soako mto the macice n-deoth esearcthin ad seeknd tut thravot acts The de ard stve ertboded y Meo Zedond' ax tosio ipwstation s our at/s orerious snitua weath t is f ractre quding mportace in the new era forthe party to strengthen ts wortng stye practice the mrass ine of beng honestly for the pepe and beng nterty,and to always maintan the parys adanced nature and purity.




Chinese' Communist Party from its inception led the Chinesepeople to embark on the difficult journey of the struggle fornational independence and people's liberation. Representedbv Mao Zedong,Chinese communists combined basic principles of Marxism with Chma s specific reality, to explore a newroad of Chinese revolution through developing revolutionar)base in rural areas, surrounding the city from the rural areasand seizing power with force. This was different from the revolutionary road of the Russian October Revolution' s "citycenter" model, thus was opposed and accused by the Comintern and by the opportunists in the party. They questionecthe need and the possibility of developing bases in the difficult circumstances of Revolutionary War. Mao Zedong gavea robust repudiation over the questioning, on the basis of thegreat practice and the iron facts of Caixi Township, the rolemodel township in the Central Soviet Area



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